Saturday, 14 December 2013

Will I or Won't I? Welcome to my blog!

I have resisted writing a blog for some time now.

I wondered what I would have to add.

But then I thought, hang on a minute, I’ve been teaching yoga for 12 years now, practicing for a few more years than that, meditating, exploring yogic living, running a yoga studio. Maybe there are some things I don’t get around to sharing in yoga classes that I can share here. If just one person finds anything I say in some way useful, then perhaps it is worthwhile.

This will be a mixture of reflections from on and off the mat; asana notes, living life from a yogic perspective, possibly even some recipes. 

I would love your feedback so this becomes an extension of our chats in the yoga studio.

Seeing as we are heading into our Christmas break I’m going to put a few notes together about doing a home practice. Look out for that soon, and let me know your thoughts.

Meanwhile, the resistance I mentioned above is manifesting as a tightness in my gut. Hmmm, will I do this or not? I can feel the resistance but will sit with that and see what unfolds.